Coroners & Registrars
Welcome to our Coroners and Registrars page. Here you’ll find useful information on how to register a death, who can register a death, the documents you will get from the registrar as well as useful contact information for coroners and registrars in the Barnsley and South Yorkshire area.

How to register a death
You should register a death within five days of when it occurred. This period can be extended by the registrar under certain circumstances, or if the Coroner is involved.
The registration should take place in the district where the person died. In Barnsley you can book an appointment to see a registrar at:
The Register Office in the Town Hall
Royston Library
Wombwell Library
You can only register a death if you have the medical cause of death certificate from a doctor.
If the death has been reported to the Coroner, the register office will contact you to arrange an appointment when they receive the paperwork from the Coroner.
If you can't visit one of the Barnsley offices you can arrange to register the death at any other register office in England and Wales. You will need to provide the same information and you'll be asked to sign a declaration. The registrar will send the declaration to the office in Barnsley for their records.

Who can register a death?
Usually a relative of the person who has died registers the death, but others can also do this. This can be:
Someone present at the death
A person arranging the funeral (not the undertaker)
An official from the hospital, or the manager of where the death took place (for example a care home)

The information you’ll need to register a death
To register a death, please bring the medical certificate showing the cause of death (signed by a doctor) with you.
If available, it would help if you can also take the person's:
Birth certificate
Marriage or civil partnership certificate
Medical card or document with the person's NHS number on it
You’ll need to tell the registrar:
The date and place of death
The person’s full name and surname
Any names previously used (such as a maiden name)
The person’s date and place of birth
Their last address
Their occupation
The full name, date of birth and occupation of a surviving or late spouse or civil partner
You should also take documents to show your name and address (e.g. utility bill).
It usually takes about 30 minutes for the registrar to complete the paperwork.

Documents you’ll get from the Registrar
When the death has been registered, the registrar will give you:
A certificate for burial or cremation known as the ‘green form’. You’ll need this to arrange a funeral (if a death has been referred to the Coroner for a post mortem, they'll issue you with the green form)
A certificate of registration of death, called a form BD8
If you're sorting out the person's financial affairs you'll need to ask the registrar for a certified copy of the Death Certificate.
You'll usually need one to deal with any:
Insurance companies
Banks and building societies
Private and company pensions
If you haven't ordered certificates online you can pay by debit or credit card at your appointment.

Coroners in South Yorkshire
Barnsley Coroners
Coroners Office, South Yorkshire (West), Medico-Legal Centre, Watery Street, Sheffield, S3 7ES
Tel: 0114 273 8721
Email: barnsleycoroners@sheffield.gov.uk
Doncaster & Rotherham Coroners
Coroners Office, Crown Court Building, College Road, Doncaster DN1 3SH
Tel: 01302 737135
Sheffield Coroners
Medico Legal Centre, Watery St, Sheffield S3 7ES
Tel: 0114 273 8721

Registrars in South Yorkshire
Barnsley Registrars
Town Hall, Barnsley S70 2TA
Tel: 01226 773555
Doncaster Registrars
Civic Office, Waterdale, Doncaster DN1 3BU
Tel: 01302 735222
Rotherham Registrars
Riverside House, Main St, Rotherham S60 1AE
Tel: 01709 823542
Sheffield Registrars
Town Hall, Pinstone St, Sheffield S1 2HH
Tel: 0114 203 9423
Tell us Once
You can use the 'Tell us Once' service when you register a death in Barnsley. This makes it easier for you to tell council and government departments that someone has died. The registrar will give you more information about Tell us Once and how you can use it when you register a death.